Friday, September 18, 2009

YAMs Lunch

YAMs Luncheon Together after the 10:30 Service


Every Sunday, after coffee and refreshments after the 10:30 service, the YAMs get together at Greenlife Grocery for lunch. Greenlife is a perfect place to meet for such a gathering, providing: ample parking and seating, a variety of foods (allowing even for the most restrictive diet), no pressure to buy anything or leave a tip, free samples, a nice community ethic, and practices that reflect good stewardship of God’s creation. We had toyed with the idea of having a roving restaurant luncheon, but for fear that this would create too much confusion, we have decided to stay at Greenlife. We especially hope that this “un-movement” will continue to build continuity. If it has been a while since you have come to Greenlife with us, please consider joining us this. If you have never been, please consider coming to have lunch with those in your age demographic. We would love to see you and welcome you. For many of us, this is akin to the old-fashioned “Sunday Dinner” that many of us grew up with. Please come and dine with your St. Paul’s family. We usually sit upstairs. Look for the guy in the collared shirt.

Yours in Christ,


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

YAMs and College and Careers Group

YAMs to Share a Dinner with St. Peter’s College and Career Group


On Monday Oct. 5, at 6:00 PM, the YAMs will host the College and Career group from St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Redbank. The Young Adult from St. Peter’s will gather with the Young Adults from St. Paul’s at St. Paul’s for a service of Evening Prayer, a brief talk by the leaders of both of those groups, followed by dinner together in small groups. This event is free, dinner costs $6, and Child Care will be provided. If you can come, please email me. We sincerely hope that you all will join us.

Yours in Christ,

P.S. Please view the evite here.

P.P.S. Check out the pictures here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lookouts Pictures


Many of you were able to come to see the Lookouts loose their season closer to the Birmingham Barons - despite the juju of our "rally caps." Oh well. Perhaps next year . . . Below are some pictures of the outing that I hope you enjoy. (Check out the twins, Troy and Bob . . . no, we didn't plan it.)

Again, I am sorry to everyone that no car was given away. That was kind of a bummer as was loosing the game, but I still think that everyone had lots of fun. My favorite memory of the afternoon was the page: "Father Leopold to the Beer Garden. Father Leopold to the Beer Garden." Touch of class friends.

Yours in Christ,