Friday, October 29, 2010

YAMs Retreat Friday, Nov. 12, through Sunday, Nov. 14


YAMs mark your calendars: from Friday, November 12th, through Sunday, November 14th, the YAMs will be on retreat to Grace Point. We will leave around 6:00 PM on Friday and should be back by 3:00 PM on Sunday afternoon. Grace Point is our Diocesan Camp and Conference Center, located just over an hour away on the Watts Bar Reservoir. The retreat will provide a chance to get away from the stressors of modern life in Christian Community with one another – culminating in a Celebration of Holy Eucharist at the St. Paul’s Chapel of Grace Point. More details to follow soon.

Yours in Christ,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween-Themed Evening Activities for IHN Families


On Friday evening, October 29th, at 6:00 PM, St. Paul’s YAMs and Youth will partner to provide food and Halloween-themed evening activities for the IHN families we will be hosting this evening. Activities will be confined to the second floor of St. Paul’s. Please come out to help give these families a most fun evening and remember that All Hallows’ Eve is a Holiday of the Church (even though we will be celebrating All Hallows’ Eve Eve Eve). I hope to see lots of folks there.

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October 24th – YAMs “Cold” Breakfast Chefs and Servers


As may have read, Sunday October 24th, is the parish BBQ at St. Paul’s. As such, the morning breakfast offerings have been continental. That is . . . until now. The YAMs, partnered with Chef Nate Flynt, will be providing a cold breakfast to rival any cold breakfast. Preparation will be Saturday morning, October 23rd, with more details to follow. However, in order to serve, the YAMs should be on hand Sunday morning by X:XX AM. It is early, to be sure, but will be worth it. See you there!

Yours in Christ,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October Habitat Build Day


On Saturday, October 16th, at 8:45, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.

As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:45 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.

Yours in Christ,