We are in the midst of a change for this Sunday's meeting of the Young Adults' Sunday School Class.
First of all, Clay and Sarah, our faithful facilitators will be unavoidably out of town.
Secondly, there is an Outreach Fair going on at the same time in the courtyard - right out of our meeting room's window. All of the other Adult Christian Education offerings have cancelled to be a part of this Outreach Fair. While I certainly think that the YAMs are already a part of Outreach, I do not want to be seen as being elitist.
So, I propose that we just meet on Sunday for a little while and then journey together to the Outreach Fair. During this brief meeting, we will have some of the usual check-in time, I will be sure that everyone has the readings for next week and we will pick up where we left off. Perhaps we could even read both stories (Raymond Carver's "A Small Good Thing" and Annie Dillard's "The Deer at Providencia" and "A Field of Silence") and be prepared to talk about them both on Oct. 19th. I will have all of these readings to hand out on Sunday, at the usually scheduled time. I would post them on this page, but that would put me in violation of copyright laws.
I am sorry about this decision and the tardiness of it, but I fear that all of these factors necessitated it. But, perhaps this would be a good way for those who have not ventured into the realm of this course to join us for a new beginning on Oct. 19th. If this describes you, please find me on Sunday for a copy of the readings and know that you are welcome on the 19th.
Yours humbly in Christ,

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