The most recent YAMs event, the late, great, cookie-baking, carol-singing, homebound-visiting YAMathon was a huge success. I cannot fully relate to you the thanks that I have received on behalf of those whom we visited. They loved it and they now love us. By virtue of this event, we have endeared ourselves into the oldest generation at St. Paul's. Way to go!
I must admit, on Saturday, I was worried. I know how to lead a music rehearsal (from my bass-playin' days) and I know how to behaive in a pastoral way. I don't know how to do both at the same time. I certainly erred on the side of pastoring, which I think is okay. the music sounded fine, but things were a wee bit out-of-control. That's okay, though, because Sunday afternoon, by about the second stop, everyone realized why we were there. There were no pep-talks needed. We knew why we were there.
That being said, we really spread some joy that day! Thank you all for your work - if you baked, if you sang, or if you just thought about us - thank you.
As thanks, here are some pictures.
Yours in Christ,
P.S. check out that joy on Christyna’s face!!!
The Rev. Robert K. Leopold
Assistant Rector for College and Young Adult Ministries
St. Paul's Church, Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee

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