Our last outing - to the movie theater - was loads of fun! A smallish group of us went to see Star Trek at the Bijou - the movies at Hamilton Place looked pretty bleak. I hope that we didn't miss any one. Star Trek was good, though I had hoped for something that might have provided some basis for a moral/theological discussion. This incarnation of Star Trek was less a morality play, set in space, with veiled characters, but an action-packed romp with lots of comic relief. Our whole group enjoyed it for what it was, though. Here is a picture from the outing. Enjoy!

The next YAMs Movie Night (whenever that may be) will have a more carefully scripted start/end/discussion time and the movie (of my selection) will probably be shown at St. Paul's, in our theater - the Yo Room. I hope to see everyone then.
Yours in Christ,
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