Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday Suppers for Six


I was asked to send this along by fellow YAMs, Lisa Leopold and Paul Barnett, Jr. I hope that you consider participating in this ministry.

We have been working with the In-reach Committee to establish a new ministry at the church ... Sunday Suppers for Six. Hopefully you've seen this in the bulletin, Chimes, or e-Chimes. The purpose of the ministry is to facilitate a way for members of the church from different groups within the church to get to know each other better. The plan is to divide into a bunch of small groups between 4 and 8 people and have those groups get together once a month on their on schedule for some social activity -- whatever the group decides. Initially we will do this for the 4 months over the summer from June to October, and then switch groups in the fall.

This is a great way for us as young adults to get to know other parishoners that might not normally come to our events. I hope that you all would please consider participating with this. I think it would be great to have at least one young adult in every group. For all you folks that aren't partnered... or those of you with partners who might not be as enthuiasic as you are ... you can request to be with one other person ... or see what people the Holy Spirit has in mind for you. We hope to see you all on June 6th for the kick-off event. If you can't make it and your interested let us know and we will get you plugged into a group. If you plan on being there on June 6th at 6:00, email Amy Sandy at and let her know your interested; cost is $6.

See you on the Sixth!!!
Lisa and Paul"

Thanks for your consideration,

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