Here are some pictures from one of our most popular YAMs events to date, the Beers, Brats, & Boardgames excursion to Big River Brewery.
Click on the picture above to be taken to the whole set. Thanks to Jonathan for his picture-taking skills (all of the blurry ones were taken by yours truly). Enjoy!
Yours truly,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Pictures from Beers, Brats, and Boardgames
Preparation for The Dinner for the Wider St. Paul's Community
There has been some confusion about "the day of preparation" for the dinner for the wider community. In a word, everything is on Sunday. After the 10:30 service on Sunday, December 5th, the YAMs will meet in the kitchen throughout the day, as you are able, to help prepare the feast for that evening. Everyone is invited and encourage to attend the service of Advent Lessons & Carols at 5:00 PM, followed (at 6:15) by the Second Annual St. Paul's YAMs Dinner for the Wider Congregation. We will need lots of YAMs on hand for the dinner, so please consider coming out for this event.
Just to reiterate: nothing is happening for this event on Saturday. Enjoy MainX24 or the like.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sermon for the Last Sunday After Pentecost
Here is the audio for the sermon I preached on October 24th.
First, the texts . . .
The Collect
Almighty and everlasting God, whose will it is to restore all things in your well-beloved Son, the King of kings and Lord of lords: Mercifully grant that the peoples of the earth, divided and enslaved by sin, may be freed and brought together under his most gracious rule; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Psalm 46
Colossians 1:11-20
Luke 23:33-43
Then the MP3s . . .
Here is the Gospel Reading.
Here is the Sermon.
Thanks and enjoy,
Monday, November 22, 2010
Grateful Gobbler Walk and Thanksgiving Service
That time of year is nigh upon us: Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with it comes the Grateful Gobbler Walk, Roll, or Stroll to Benefit the Homeless in our area. This walk takes place on Thursday morning, November 25th – Thanksgiving Day – at 8:00 AM. This year, participants of all ages from St. Paul’s are invited to walk, roll, or stroll – all under the banner of the Episcopal Church. This is not just limited to YAMs or Youth. If you are interested in walking, please register online here. The cost is a donation $20 per walker – do not let this be a limiting factor. St. Paul’s Members plan on meeting before the walk at the carousel in Coolidge Park under the Episcopal Flag. After the walk, we will make our way to St. Paul’s for the Thanksgiving Day Service, which begins at 10:30 AM.
Yours in Christ,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sermon for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost
Here is the audio for the sermon I preached on October 24th.
First, the texts . . .
The Collect
Almighty and everlasting God, increase in us the gifts of faith, hope, and charity; and, that we may obtain what you promise, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Joel 2:23-32
Psalm 65
2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18
Luke 18:9-14
Then the MP3s . . .
Here is the Gospel Reading.
Here is the Sermon.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
November Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, November 20th, at 8:45, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:45 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
Friday, October 29, 2010
YAMs Retreat Friday, Nov. 12, through Sunday, Nov. 14
YAMs mark your calendars: from Friday, November 12th, through Sunday, November 14th, the YAMs will be on retreat to Grace Point. We will leave around 6:00 PM on Friday and should be back by 3:00 PM on Sunday afternoon. Grace Point is our Diocesan Camp and Conference Center, located just over an hour away on the Watts Bar Reservoir. The retreat will provide a chance to get away from the stressors of modern life in Christian Community with one another – culminating in a Celebration of Holy Eucharist at the St. Paul’s Chapel of Grace Point. More details to follow soon.
Yours in Christ,
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Halloween-Themed Evening Activities for IHN Families
On Friday evening, October 29th, at 6:00 PM, St. Paul’s YAMs and Youth will partner to provide food and Halloween-themed evening activities for the IHN families we will be hosting this evening. Activities will be confined to the second floor of St. Paul’s. Please come out to help give these families a most fun evening and remember that All Hallows’ Eve is a Holiday of the Church (even though we will be celebrating All Hallows’ Eve Eve Eve). I hope to see lots of folks there.
Yours in Christ,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
October 24th – YAMs “Cold” Breakfast Chefs and Servers
As may have read, Sunday October 24th, is the parish BBQ at St. Paul’s. As such, the morning breakfast offerings have been continental. That is . . . until now. The YAMs, partnered with Chef Nate Flynt, will be providing a cold breakfast to rival any cold breakfast. Preparation will be Saturday morning, October 23rd, with more details to follow. However, in order to serve, the YAMs should be on hand Sunday morning by X:XX AM. It is early, to be sure, but will be worth it. See you there!
Yours in Christ,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
October Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, October 16th, at 8:45, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:45 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
Sunday, September 26, 2010
St. Paul's YAMs Beers, Brats, & Boardgames
Fall . . . ahh . . . a welcome rest from the warmth of this summer. Fall evokes images of leaves changing, shared meals, and, of course, Octoberfest. This year the YAMs are trying their own Octoberfest of sorts. After the 10:30 AM service, on Sunday, October 3rd, the YAMs will make their way over to Big River Brewery for a private dining room filled with a full menu’s worth of Octoberfest-y items (including beer). What’s more, many German Boardgames will be on loan from the Leopold collection for the celebration. Please come join us for what promises to be a most excellent afternoon. The cost is the cost of menu items ordered. I sure hope that everyone can make it to this fun event!
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Here are some pictures from this event.
Monday, September 20, 2010
YAMs to Have Sunday Lunch at the Public House
After the 10:30 Service on Sunday, September 26th, the YAMs will break their Fall norm of going to Greenlife Grocery in order to support fellow YAM (and Head Chef of the Public House) Nate Flynt, by heading to the Public House. We will be in the dining room and they are expecting a bunch of us, so I hope a buncho of us will be able to attend. Please consider coming out in order to kick-start your YAMs Fall participation.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
YAM Lindsay Rieman Organizes Dancing at the Choo-Choo
This is a departure from most of my posts, but I thought that I would share about our YAM, Lindsay Rieman, who helped organized this:
Way to go Lindsay!
Monday, September 13, 2010
YAMs Fall Schedule
Here is the much-requested YAMs Fall Calendar of Events. If you are a young adult (somewhere in your 20s or 30s) and live in the Chattanooga Area, you are invited to participate in these events. Many of our core Young Adult Ministers (YAMs) hail from St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Downtown, Chattanooga, but know that - if you read this blog and fit the geographic and chronologic requirements - you are invited and will be welcomed. Contact me here for more information.
Yours in Christ,
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sermon from Labor Day Weekend
Here are the readings (and my sermon) from Labor Day weekend:
Grant us, O Lord, to trust in you with all our hearts; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Jeremiah 18:1-11
Psalm 139:1-5, 13-17
Philemon 1-25
Luke 14:25-33
Also, here is what I had to say about Paul's Letter to Philemon (the Epistle).
Here is the Epistle.
Here is the Sermon.
Yours in Christ,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
YAMs Fall Work Day
On Saturday, September 11th, at 9:00 a.m., the St. Paul's YAMs gather at St. Paul's to begin a work half-day. Chief among our projects will be painting shelves for the Godly Play Christian Education Room. Also, we will be helping a few other parishioners with light work at their homes - chores that they could otherwise not do. Everything should be wrapped-up by lunchtime, where we will gather for a shared meal at Big River Grille. We hope to see a big turnout for this fun service event that will really help the St. Paul's Community.
Yours in Christ,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
September Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, September 18th, at 8:45, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:45 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
St. Paul's August Habitat Build
Thanks to everyone who helped out last Saturday. Here are a couple pictures I snapped from my phone of the event. Check out those rafter dwellers and Adam's use of that saw!
Pictures from St. Paul's YAMs at the McCallie Lake
Check out these pictures from the YAMs at the McCallie School "Lake."
St. Paul's YAMs Hike to Cloudland Canyon
Sorry these pictures took so so long. Thanks to all who attended the hike and took these great pictures!
Yours in Christ,
Monday, August 2, 2010
August Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, August 21st, at 8:30, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please check out some pictures from this event here.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
YAMs Covered-Dish Lunch and Movie
YAMs Covered-Dish Lunch and Movie
On Sunday, August 8 (not the 15th as previously stated), After the 10:30 Service, the YAMs will gather in the Yo Room and adjacent kitchen, upstairs at St. Paul’s. Once there, the YAMs will set a table of covered-dish items for a shared YAMs meal. While the YAMs eat, a short movie will be shown on the projector. After the film is over, a brief discussion will follow. Children are welcome. The cost of this event is a covered-dish item. Please come join us.
Yours in Christ,Bob
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sermon for the 9th Sunday After Pentecost (Year C)
Below is the sermon I most recently preached.
The Collect of the Day:
O God, the protector of all who trust in you, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy: Increase and multiply upon us your mercy; that, with you as our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things temporal, that we lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Here are the readings in text format.
Here is the audio recording of the gospel and of the sermon.
Yours in Christ,
Monday, July 12, 2010
Sermon for the 7th Sunday After Pentecost (Year C)
Below is the sermon I most recently preached.
The Collect of the Day:
O Lord, mercifully receive the prayers of your people who call upon you, and grant that they may know and understand what things they ought to do, and also may have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Here are the readings in text format.
Here is the audio recording of the gospel and of the sermon.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
YAMs Cookout at the McCallie Lake
On Sunday, July 11th, after the 10:30 service, the YAMs will head to the McCallie School for their lunch plans. We will provide hot dogs and buns. All you need to bring is a swim suit and a side dish to accompany the grilling. We will have use of the McCallie Lake until 3:00 to barbeque, swim and have a great time. There may be a few surprises too, so come prepared for lots of fun!
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Check out some pictures here.
Monday, July 5, 2010
July Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, July 31, at 8:30, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Hiking with the YAMs
YAM, Cliff Hightower, has graciously offered to lead us on a hike through a local canyon. Here are the details as they will appear in the Sunday Bulletin, the eChimes, and on the facebook page:
"YAMs Day Hike, Sunday June 20th after the 10:30 Service
After Coffee Hour church on Sunday, June 20, the YAMs will be headed to Greenlife Grocery for lunch. Immediately after lunch, any YAM who is interested is invited to go on a hike to Cloudland Canyon State Park in Georgia. The park is a mere 30 minute drive from St. Paul's, on top of Lookout Mountain.
After lunch at Greenlife, the YAMs will carpool up to Cloudland Canyon, which is located in Dade County, just past Trenton. The hike is an easy two and a half to three hour hike around the perimeter of the canyon. Some of the things seen along the trail will include incredible sights of the canyon, formed thousands of years ago by the creek that runs through the middle of the gorge. Next, the trail heads downhill and cross over the creek, and along this path rhododendrum, hemlock, and other plant life found along creeksides can be seen. The trail continues on the south crest of the canyon and there are at least three different stopping points for incredible views.
For those feeling even more adventurous, there is an option last leg we can take before going to the cars that leads to two pristine waterfalls at the bottom of the canyon. To get to these waterfalls, one must travel down 600 stairs. Climbing back up is the problem, but it's well worth it.
Cloudland Canyon requires a $5/car parking fee. This is the only potential cost of the excursion. For more information, please contact Cliff Hightower (on the YAMs facebook page)."
I hope that everyone will consider joining us for this great day trip!
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please check out some pictures here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
June Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, June 19, at 8:30, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.
Yours in Christ,
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Sunday Suppers for Six
I was asked to send this along by fellow YAMs, Lisa Leopold and Paul Barnett, Jr. I hope that you consider participating in this ministry.
We have been working with the In-reach Committee to establish a new ministry at the church ... Sunday Suppers for Six. Hopefully you've seen this in the bulletin, Chimes, or e-Chimes. The purpose of the ministry is to facilitate a way for members of the church from different groups within the church to get to know each other better. The plan is to divide into a bunch of small groups between 4 and 8 people and have those groups get together once a month on their on schedule for some social activity -- whatever the group decides. Initially we will do this for the 4 months over the summer from June to October, and then switch groups in the fall.
This is a great way for us as young adults to get to know other parishoners that might not normally come to our events. I hope that you all would please consider participating with this. I think it would be great to have at least one young adult in every group. For all you folks that aren't partnered... or those of you with partners who might not be as enthuiasic as you are ... you can request to be with one other person ... or see what people the Holy Spirit has in mind for you. We hope to see you all on June 6th for the kick-off event. If you can't make it and your interested let us know and we will get you plugged into a group. If you plan on being there on June 6th at 6:00, email Amy Sandy at and let her know your interested; cost is $6.
See you on the Sixth!!!
Lisa and Paul"
Thanks for your consideration,
Friday, May 7, 2010
May Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, May 22, at 8:30, the YAMs will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Yours in Christ,
Thursday, May 6, 2010
St. Paul's YAMs Facebook Group
I hope everyone knows about the YAMs facebook group on facebook. It is cleverly titled, "St. Paul's YAMs." Please join that group for the most up-to-date information on YAMs events. Here is a link for you.
Yours in Christ,
Monday, April 26, 2010
Metropolitan Ministries Benefit Concert
I was asked to pass this along:
"On Wednesday, April 28, at Lindsay Street Hall (corner of MLKjr Blvd & Lindsay Street, Chattanooga), C.C. Booker III, featuring Will Scruggs, will present a concert to benefit the human needs fund of Metropolitan Ministries, with two sets at 7 & 9 PM - $10/1 set; $15/both.
C.C. Booker III is an Atlanta-based jazz quartet exploring the soul/jazz music of Ray Charles, King Curtis and Booker T & the MGs. The band is made up of Will Scruggs on vocals & saxophones, David Ellington on Hammond B-3, Dan Baraszu on guitar and drummer Marlon Patton.
Refreshments will be on sale, as will the band's self-titled CD, plus other Scruggs CDs and t-shirts. All proceeds go to help fund Metropolitan Ministries’ efforts to support those in need of financial, emotional and physical necessities. All ages are welcome; listening and dancing are encouraged.
For further information, contact or call 423 658-5587."
May 1st Eastertide Party Cancelled
This was announced at the 10:30 service yesterday, but just to be sure everyone here knows . . . the May 1st Eastertide Party has been cancelled in leiu of the Fun Hunt after the 10:30 service on Sunday, May 2nd. See everyone there . . .
Sunday, April 18, 2010
YAMs Eastertide Party
At 4:00 PM on the evening of Saturday, May 1st, the Leopolds will open their home to host a “Christ is Risen!” party for the St. Paul’s Young Adults. The festivities celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord will continue until about 9:00 PM. All that participants should bring are positive attitudes, unless there are special dietary restrictions to be considered. Please email me to RSVP and for directions. This will be a chance for us to celebrate the Risen Christ and the season of Easter together. I do hope that you all will be able to make it out for some fun and gluten-free treats and maybe even some Lamb from our grill.
Yours in Christ,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Helping Weekend Clarification
I apologize for the tardiness of this announcement, but it has been difficult to get all of those who need help together for the Helping Weekend. But, now that I have gotten the helpees together, I need to wrangle the helpers. Essentially, the main team for work will meet at St. Paul’s on Saturday morning, April 17th, at 9:00 to paint the Godly Play shelves. After this, we will move out in teams to various locations to help parishioners with light house work. The idea would be that we could all meet together for lunch around noon. I hope that many of you will be able to attend this, the second annual, Helping Weekend.
Yours in Christ,
Thursday, April 1, 2010
YAMs 2nd Annual Helping Weekend
St. Paul’s Helping Weekend – From Friday April 15th to Sunday April 17th, the YAMs will be roving about in small teams in order to help St. Paul’s parishioners with household chores – particularly those parishioners who might have trouble doing these chores themselves. We will be accepting donations – this event will act as a fundraiser for the Young Adult Ministries at St. Paul’s. If you are interested in being on one of these helping teams, please let me know at me or call the church office. We look forward to working with all of the St. Paul’s family. For more information see the letter in this issue of the Chimes, written to those we will be helping.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Updated Calendar for Spring and Summer 2010
Well, there has been a lot of push and pull with the schedule and I really want to make sure to schedule events that people want to attend, so . . .
Here is the new schedule for Spring and Summer 2010. I hope that an event you would like to attend made the list.
April 15-17 - Helping Weekend
May 2 - Fun Hunt
May 22 - Habitat Build
June 6 - Sunday Supper Series Kickoff
June 20 - Day Hike
July 9 - YAMs Progressive Supper
July 21 - Habitat Build
August 12 - Movie & Discussion (with Pizza)
August 28 - Covered Disch Supper
Here is a link to the new schedule as a .pdf with more times and information. Enjoy!
Yours in Christ,
Monday, March 29, 2010
YAMs Lunch with Partnership
Sorry for the delay in updating the website - we have been pretty busy around here, gearing up for Holy Week. On Sunday, Feb. 21st, after the 10:30 service, the Director of Partnership for Families, Children, and Adults ( came to talk to the YAMs about volunteer and service opportunities. Here are some pictures from that luncheon. Enjoy!
Yours in Christ,
Monday, March 15, 2010
2nd Annaul Fun Hunt Postponed
As many of you have let me know that you cannot attend the Fun Hunt - one of last year's biggest events - we have decided for the good of the order to move the Fun Hunt into the Season of Easter. The new Fun Hunt day will be May 2nd, after the 10:30 Celebration of Holy Eucharist. The rest of the details - what we will do, when we will eat, will be unchanged.
Thanks for understanding and I hope everyone can make the new day and time.
Yours in Christ,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
YAMs 2nd Annual Fun Hunt
Monday, March 1, 2010
March Habitat Build Day
On Saturday, March 13, at 8:30, the YAMs will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Yours in Christ,
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February Luncheon Speaker
YAMs Luncheon Speaker
On Sunday, February 21st, after the 10:30 service, the YAMs will meet on the St. Paul’s stage for luncheon and a speaker. We will welcome as our speaker the director of Partnership for Families, Children and Adults, Inc. (the former Family and Children's Services.) It is probably the oldest and largest social service organizations in Chattanooga. Please join us for what promises to be a most engaging presentation. Child care will be provided, and the cost is $5. (Please do not let the cost be a limiting factor.) Please RSVP to me by February 19th.
Yours in Christ,
P.S. Please check out the pictures here.
Monday, February 15, 2010
YAMs Christmas Party Pictures
Here is a picture from the YAMs Christmas Party. Click on the picture to be sent to the whole set. This is the new way that picture will be added to the YAMs website. This will help with space issues on the blogspot server. Also, you will be able to search by tags so that any YAMs pictures you would want to see, just click on the YAMs tag. I hope that you enjoy this batch. Watch for more in the coming weeks and months.
Yours in Christ,
Flickr Upload to Blog Test
I appreciate your patience in these little tests (as on facebook, twitter, the blog, and now from flickr). I hope that they will be over sooner rather than later. In the meantime, this is a picture that I have uploaded to my flickr account for the purposes of "pushing" it to the YAMs website (and by extension being pushed to the st. paul's facebook page). Who knew ministry would take on these dimensions? I sure as heck didn't.
Thanks again,
Monday, February 1, 2010
Mardi Gras Party with the 102 Class
On the evening of Tuesday, February 16, at 6:00 PM, the YAMs and the Episcopal 102 class will join forces for a brief explanation of “Fat Tuesday” and to party! The party will be held in Key-Andrews Hall. Food will be fed, drink will be drunk, danced will be danced . . . Sorry, but I love cognate accusatives. Come and celebrate the feast that makes the fast all the more meaningful, Mardi Gras. There may even be a pancake or two.
Yours in Christ,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
January Habitat Build Day
YAMs Habitat Build
On Saturday, January 30, at 8:30, the YAMs will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.
As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.
Yours of Christ,