Monday, May 4, 2009

Updated Calendar - Spring and Summer

Greetings Friends,

Once again our calendar of events has gotten buried under all of the other things that we do together. This is a good problem to have, rest assured. But, every so often, I have to re-post the calendar, so that folks can see it.

Additionally, there have been a few changes. I fixed a few mistakes and I moved the date of the YAMs June Movie outing to June 13th from June 6th. There have been a few thins come up that necessitated that move.

Summer Dinner
Sat. 1st August
St. Paul's - Parish Hall
6-9 PM

Prepare & Serve Food
29th August
The Community Kitchen
8-6 AM-PM

Past Events:

Sat. 10th January
St. Paul's Sanctuary
4-7 PM

Prepare & Serve Food
Sat. 31st January
The Community Kitchen
8 AM - 12 PM

Winter Games Party
Fri. 6th February
The Leopolds' House
5-9 PM

Dinner with Speaker
Thurs. 19th February
St. Paul's Parish Hall
6-9 PM

Mission Trip
Fri. 13th - Sat. 14th March
Appalachian Mountains
5-5 PM

Anniversary of MLK's Death
Sat. 4th April
Chattanooga African-American Museum
12-4 PM

St. Paul's Helping Weekend
17th - 19th April
Teams at Various Places
8-6 AM-PM (various times within)

After Church Fun - Hunt
Sun. 3rd May
St. Paul's Campus
12-3 PM

Dinner with Speaker
Fri. 22rd May
St. Paul's Parish Hall
6-9 PM

Prepare & Serve Food
Sat. 30st May
The Community Kitchen
8-12 AM-PM

Summer Movie
Sat. 13th June
Regal Hamilton Place
3-6 PM

Summer Games Party
Sat. 4th July
The Leopolds' House
2-7 PM

I hope to see you at a lot of these events!

Yours in Christ,

P.S. It can still be found as a .pdf here.

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