Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hiking with the YAMs


YAM, Cliff Hightower, has graciously offered to lead us on a hike through a local canyon. Here are the details as they will appear in the Sunday Bulletin, the eChimes, and on the facebook page:

"YAMs Day Hike, Sunday June 20th after the 10:30 Service

After Coffee Hour church on Sunday, June 20, the YAMs will be headed to Greenlife Grocery for lunch. Immediately after lunch, any YAM who is interested is invited to go on a hike to Cloudland Canyon State Park in Georgia. The park is a mere 30 minute drive from St. Paul's, on top of Lookout Mountain.

After lunch at Greenlife, the YAMs will carpool up to Cloudland Canyon, which is located in Dade County, just past Trenton. The hike is an easy two and a half to three hour hike around the perimeter of the canyon. Some of the things seen along the trail will include incredible sights of the canyon, formed thousands of years ago by the creek that runs through the middle of the gorge. Next, the trail heads downhill and cross over the creek, and along this path rhododendrum, hemlock, and other plant life found along creeksides can be seen. The trail continues on the south crest of the canyon and there are at least three different stopping points for incredible views.

For those feeling even more adventurous, there is an option last leg we can take before going to the cars that leads to two pristine waterfalls at the bottom of the canyon. To get to these waterfalls, one must travel down 600 stairs. Climbing back up is the problem, but it's well worth it.

Cloudland Canyon requires a $5/car parking fee. This is the only potential cost of the excursion. For more information, please contact Cliff Hightower (on the YAMs facebook page)."

I hope that everyone will consider joining us for this great day trip!

Yours in Christ,

P.S. Please check out some pictures here.

Monday, June 7, 2010

June Habitat Build Day

YAMs Habitat Build


On Saturday, June 19, at 8:30, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to a Habitat Build. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s, we will carpool to the build site to work for the morning shift. We should wrap up around lunch time.

As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:15 AM, which is when I will be getting there. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. After our shift ends, we will luncheon together - time, weather, and cash permitting.

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sunday Suppers for Six


I was asked to send this along by fellow YAMs, Lisa Leopold and Paul Barnett, Jr. I hope that you consider participating in this ministry.

We have been working with the In-reach Committee to establish a new ministry at the church ... Sunday Suppers for Six. Hopefully you've seen this in the bulletin, Chimes, or e-Chimes. The purpose of the ministry is to facilitate a way for members of the church from different groups within the church to get to know each other better. The plan is to divide into a bunch of small groups between 4 and 8 people and have those groups get together once a month on their on schedule for some social activity -- whatever the group decides. Initially we will do this for the 4 months over the summer from June to October, and then switch groups in the fall.

This is a great way for us as young adults to get to know other parishoners that might not normally come to our events. I hope that you all would please consider participating with this. I think it would be great to have at least one young adult in every group. For all you folks that aren't partnered... or those of you with partners who might not be as enthuiasic as you are ... you can request to be with one other person ... or see what people the Holy Spirit has in mind for you. We hope to see you all on June 6th for the kick-off event. If you can't make it and your interested let us know and we will get you plugged into a group. If you plan on being there on June 6th at 6:00, email Amy Sandy at sandy@stpaulschatt.org and let her know your interested; cost is $6.

See you on the Sixth!!!
Lisa and Paul"

Thanks for your consideration,