Friday, February 18, 2011

February Habitat Build Day


On Saturday, February 19th, at 8:45, St. Paul's parishioners (among them YAMs) will gather in the St. Paul’s parking lot to carpool to work at the Habitat Retail Store. Habitat for Humanity builds homes in partnership with those who would otherwise be unable to purchase a home. The ReStore raises money for these efforts and also provides inexpensive materials for those building or renovating their own homes.

As many of you may also know, there is a required form to be filled out in order to work. I am making that form available here. Just print out the form and bring it with you on Saturday. If you forget, I will try to have some forms with me at 8:45 AM at St. Paul's. Our official work time is the morning shift of 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. As a special treat this week, lunch is being provided for us by a Habitat Volunteer.

There is no cost (outside sweat equity) associated with this event. After we all arrive at St. Paul’s and get our paperwork filled out, we will carpool to the ReStore to work for the morning shift. If you already have paperwork on file, please feel free to meet us at the ReStore (1201 E. Main St.).

Yours in Christ,

P.S. We will not be lifting tiles or reorganizing wallpaper. Rather, we will be building wall frames for a house to be installed next week. I know that sometimes the ReStore is not as exciting for folks, especially when it seems like busy-work, but this week we will actually be doing a lot of good for a Habitat family in ways that we can immediately see and feel.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

State of the YAMs Meeting and Luncheon


As I am sure all of you have read in the bulletin or in the Chimes, this Sunday at 12:30 PM is the State of the YAMs meeting. It all began a few months ago . . .

Faithful YAM, Brandon Mozingo, asked me where I envisioned the YAMs going in the next five years. I hemmed and I hawed and I really couldn’t give a good answer. While we know that Jesus did not have a five-year plan when he began his public earthly ministry, we probably should be thinking longer term than we are. So . . . if you are interested in where the YAMs might be going . . . do you have an idea for a particular ministry? Would you love to see the YAMs do something that we are not? Do you think that there needs to be a strategic plan in place for the welcoming of 20s and 30s people when they walk into St. Paul’s for the first time? Would you like to know about what mission opportunities are available for 20s- and 30s-aged Episcopalians? Perhaps you grew up at St. Paul’s and have not yet come to see what the YAMs have to offer you. If you have opinions on any of these items or have some grand plan for a great ministry in a way that none of us have ever envisioned, please consider coming to share this idea with the group as we work together through where we might be headed. The event will start at 12:30 – enough time to allow for Coffee after the 10:30 service. We will share ideas as we eat lunch together.

I really hope that everyone will be able to come out to this event to share ideas. It is really important.

Yours in Christ,