Monday, December 29, 2008

Ordination Invitation

Greetings friends,

As most of you know, there are three ordained orders in the Episcopal (Anglican) Church: deacon, priest, and bishop. While these ministriest are not hierarchical, nor are they any more important than the ministries of the laity, they are sequential. That is to say, to be ordained a priest, one must have been already ordained a deacon. Similarly, bishops must first be deacons, then priests, then bishops.

At the time of this writing, I am a deacon, though a special kind of deacon called a transitional deacon. This means that the call identified by the community of faith in my life is to the ministry of priesthood. However, in order to be a priest, one must first have been a deacon. The time of my ministry that is limited to deaconal duties is nearly at an end . . .

The Lord willing and the people consenting, the Rt. Rev. Charles G. vonRosenberg (our bishop in the Diocese of East Tennessee) will ordain me to the sacred order of priests on January 10th, at 4:00 PM, at St. Paul's Church in Chattanooga, TN. By means of this note, I am inviting you all. I do hope that you all can come.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

P.S. There is no real need for an evite for this event. Just come and see and celebrate afterward.

P.P.S. I put some pictures up here.

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