Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last Minute C.S.Lewis Opportunity

Greetings friends,

Thanks to one of our newest YAMs, Jennifer, I am able to share with you an opportunity to see some of C. S. Lewis's finest work . . . presented in person. The Screwtape Letters is a book that wistfully details the correspondence between two demons - Screwtape and Wormwood. The younger and less experienced Wormwood receives encouragement in his duty to tempt humanity from the older and superior Screwtape. Needless to say this is an ironically clever work of fiction.

The Tivoli theater is presenting a one man show of the book tonight and tomorrow night. More information can be found about the performance here and more information can be found about the Tivoli's schedule here.

I don't know that I will be able to make it, but I would welcome a report from someone who does.

Yours in Christ,

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