Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Updated Calendar for Spring and Summer 2010

Greetings friends,

Well, there has been a lot of push and pull with the schedule and I really want to make sure to schedule events that people want to attend, so . . .

Here is the new schedule for Spring and Summer 2010. I hope that an event you would like to attend made the list.

April 15-17 - Helping Weekend
May 2 - Fun Hunt
May 22 - Habitat Build
June 6 - Sunday Supper Series Kickoff
June 20 - Day Hike
July 9 - YAMs Progressive Supper
July 21 - Habitat Build
August 12 - Movie & Discussion (with Pizza)
August 28 - Covered Disch Supper

Here is a link to the new schedule as a .pdf with more times and information. Enjoy!

Yours in Christ,

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