Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Pressures of this Missing Generation

Greetings friends,

As many of you know, I was hired at St. Paul's to help out in many respects, among those, with Young Adults (20s to 30s as we have had it defined for us - though there is some wiggle room).

When I arrived here, there were essentially in place monthly events for this age group. The feedback which I received from those of you who had been involved with this group is that more events were wanted. So, I planned essentially an event a week. What I have come to realize through the course of this Fall is that this is too many. So, if four times per month is too many and one time is too few, how about we split the difference?

What I am proposing is that we limit ourselves to two events per month. Hopefully, this will allow more people to be involved with those events. I will still try to program different types of events on different days at different times. This move has the approval of the ministry team here at St. Paul's and is done so that the YAMs might actually do more, not less.

An updated calendar for the remaining year will be posted shortly.

Yours in Christ,

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