Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Appalachian Mission Trip Revisited

Greetings friends,

St. Paul's is not going to give up on her plans to send some Young Adults to Appalachia for a Mission Trip just because of some illness and some Spring Break plans . . . We are going to embark upon a big push for the Fall of 2009. I really would love to see the YAMs go to Appalachia in order to meet some of the great people there. One of the frustrations voiced by the YAMs was that we could build a Habitat for Humanity House right here in Chattanooga. Additionally, if interaction with the community there were one of our goals, we would only be interacting with the one family with whom we would be building the house. These are valid concerns that I share. So, for the Fall, I would love to see us do some other sort of work - perhaps we might visit many families in the area and hear their stories, perhaps we might be able to do some advocacy work on behalf of the state. These are options that I looking into. I hope that, in the very near future, we can get some potential dates together for the Fall in order that this might be a very well-attended event.

Yours in Christ,

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