Saturday, April 25, 2009

Church Fun Hunt

Greetings friends,

On the afternoon of Sunday, May 3rd, the St. Paul’s YAMs (folks in their 20s-30s) will gather immediately after the 10:30 service on the church stage (right next to the coffee hour Key-Andrews Hall) for the 1st annual St. Paul’s YAMs Fun Hunt. We have devised a devilishly clever scavenger hunt to take place throughout the buildings of St. Paul’s. This promises to be a fun way for the St. Paul’s YAMs to learn about the various ministries that take place here and to learn some of the history and geography of the church’s building and books like the BCP and Hymnal 1982. Snacks will be provided throughout the scavenger hunt, so no need to head to Greenlife. Little ones are welcome too. Please consider coming out for this fun event, even if you feel you know a lot about what goes on here, we will have a few great surprises along the way. Who knows, your team might even win.

Yours in Christ,

P.S. We should be out of the building by around 2:00PM
P.P.S. I have posted some pictures, which can be found here.

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